Issues of Life Conference

Through our Issues of Life Conferences we aspire healing from emotional pain. Dysfunctional childhoods, divorce, abandonment as well as a myriad of other difficult life experiences and traumas leave us broken hearted, wounded and hurt. These hurts often stem from our closest relationships: spousal, parental, intimate partners etc. Life happens to us all and life comes with tribulation. However our Lord said we are to be of good cheer because He overcame the world. He came to heal the broken hearted.

In some past sessions, we focused on betrayal, rejection, fear, unforgiveness, rape, molestation as well as other emotional issues. Our speakers share their personal testimonies of difficult life situations that the Lord brought them through.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…

Revelation 12:11

The speaker may still be receiving more healing as they share. The same healing virtue flows to other session participants that may have experienced a similar trauma.