Christmas Celebrations

Over the years we have held an Annual Christmas Celebration. We have found people are more opened to attend Christ centered events during this season. Our annual celebration has evolved from an event for all ages to a special time to pour God’s love on the youth in our community. Initially we would have entertainment from singers, dancers and even Steve Harvey (on video). We always enjoy a scrumptious meal often it’s a catered meal with wonderful desserts and al the trimmings. As we began to focus on the youth. We continued the good food and added games, gift cards and gifts.

One year we packed a rented 15 passenger van and took the youth to Orlando to my sister’s home. My sister and her husband invited many of their professional coworkers and friends over. Their home was beautiful decorated for the holiday. Their friends shared sound advise to our group of young people, played games and sang songs with them. All of the young people left with many gifts. Each had a minimum of two gift cards and an athletic outfit. Some received Bath and Body treats, others received robes and slippers, one won a lap top computer and a many also got cash. They received so many gifts that we could hardly get their things in the van.

One year we hosted a group of teen girls from a local group home. One of the young ladies had migrated to Miami from Cuba. She came to live with her father. Her father was arrested for selling drugs. After an incident with the law, she ended up in the group home. I had been doing a Bible study there with her and the other girls. So we arranged transportation for them and they attended the Christmas celebration. We did an invitation at the event and this young lady give her life to Christ. I asked her if she wanted anything special for Christmas. She requested a Spanish Bible. I will never forgot the joy on her face when she opened that present. I believed I was more blessed that she was.